The Pastoral Council of Holy Family Parish consent to represent the parishioners on matters of their spiritual and physical needs and concerns as a pastoral consult. Their mission is to give prudent, educated, and spiritually moral advice on the decisions concerning the good of the parish. They will advise the Pastor under his willing acknowledgment of the wisdom and talents of his parishioners and share with the Pastor his responsibility for the governance of the parish.
Our Parish Pastoral Council was formed in June 2021. Since then we have been working with the Pastor and Priest to accomplish goals to better the church and the parish community.
The parish council meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 6PM
Executive Committee: 3 year term ending in 2025
- Chairperson, Anita Paukovits
- Vice-Chairperson, Dennis Sullivan
- Secretary, Florinda Meli
3 yer term: ending in 2027
- Donna Ely *currently serving second term
- Deborah Toth *currently serving second term
3 year term: ending in 2026
- Chris Adams *currently serving second term
- Laura Hasker
- David Bosich
3 year term: ending in 2025
- Noreen Reid
- Dotty Scheirer
- David Jaman
2 year term: ending in 2024
- Steve Peterson
Ex-officio: Rev. Jonas Tandayu, Rev Alex Anthony, Deacon Tom Ely, Sr. Rosemarie Sommers
Do you have a question for the Council? Please contact our Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or a Council Member.
- Chairperson, Anita Paukovits:
- Vice-Chairperson, Dennis Sullivan: