Welcome to Holy Family Parish, Nazareth, PA

Cash Cards

            LOWER YOUR TUITION or YOUR TAXES using the Cash Card Program!  

The Cash Card Program earns over $75,000 for Holy Family school, preschool and PREP every year! It also provides over $5,000 in tuition reductions for our school, preschool and PREP families!

            The Cash Card Program Year runs May 1 – April 30. 

Tuition adjustments of 50% rebate earned are planned to be applied in FACTS for PREP, and STS for Preschool & School families in September, January and May.

To see your current rebate totals, login to:  www.RaiseRight.com (username and password can be reset from the login screen)

          • Select ORDER HISTORY TAB (top)
          • ORDER HISTORY REPORT LINK (on left)

The Welcome Packet includes detailed program information, convenient ways to purchase cash cards, how to complete the Participation Agreement Form & Paper Order Form, how to see your rebate totals and the on hand card reference sheet.

The Participation Agreement Form is used to designate your rebates to be credited to tuition credit or to be included on your charitable contribution statement. (kept on file year to year).

The Cash Card Order Form is used to purchase gift cards through daily School Mail, at the Parish Office, or at weekend Mass.

School & Full Day Preschool Families can conveniently order online www.RaiseRight.com or on the RaiseRight App and pay by 10am using a bank account ($0.29/transaction) or credit card (2.6%/transaction) and have on-hand cards sent home the same day with their students! PREP families can conveniently pick up orders placed by 10am the day of class at PREP dismissal.

Many of our families order and use gift cards from their smartphones using RaiseRight App.  You can learn more by watching a helpful video ~ https://youtu.be/BZNu-ftcPKo

The Cash Card Program is run 85 percent by volunteers! Our team could always use more help with Mass Sales or Office Assistance. Our volunteers help with order entry, fulfilment, verification, picking up local vendor inventory, and auditing. They also assist with  promoting the program, dsigning ads, filing, deposits, copies, and account reconciling. Interested in helping this growing program?  Please contact Sandy with your interest level in the Parish Office 610-759-0870 hfcc@holyfamily-edu.org.